Commands (type "gn help <command>" for more details):

  • args: Display configurable arguments declared by the build.
  • check: Check header dependencies.
  • desc: Show lots of insightful information about a target.
  • gen: Generate ninja files.
  • help: Does what you think.
  • refs: Find stuff referencing a target, directory, or config.
  • Common switches:

  • --args: Specifies build arguments overrides. See "gn help buildargs".
  • --[no]color: Forces colored output on or off (rather than autodetect).
  • --dotfile: Specifies an alternate .gn file. See "gn help dotfile".
  • --no-exec: Skips exec_script calls (for performance testing).
  • -q: Quiet mode, don't print anything on success.
  • --output: Directory for build output (relative to source root).
  • --root: Specifies source root (overrides .gn file).
  • --time: Outputs a summary of how long everything took.
  • --tracelog: Writes a Chrome-compatible trace log to the given file.
  • -v: Verbose mode, print lots of logging.
  • --version: Print the GN binary's version and exit.
  • Target declarations (type "gn help <function>" for more details):

  • action: Declare a target that runs a script a single time.
  • action_foreach: Declare a target that runs a script over a set of files.
  • component: Declare a component target.
  • executable: Declare an executable target.
  • group: Declare a named group of targets.
  • shared_library: Declare a shared library target.
  • source_set: Declare a source set target.
  • static_library: Declare a static library target.
  • test: Declares a test target.
  • Buildfile functions (type "gn help <function>" for more details):

  • assert: Assert an expression is true at generation time.
  • config: Defines a configuration object.
  • copy: Declare a target that copies files.
  • declare_args: Declare build arguments.
  • defines: Returns whether an identifier is defined.
  • exec_script: Synchronously run a script and return the output.
  • getenv: Get an environment variable.
  • import: Import a file into the current scope.
  • print: Prints to the console.
  • process_file_template: Do template expansion over a list of files.
  • read_file: Read a file into a variable.
  • rebase_path: Rebase a file or directory to another location.
  • set_default_toolchain: Sets the default toolchain name.
  • set_defaults: Set default values for a target type.
  • set_sources_assignment_filter: Set a pattern to filter source files.
  • template: Define a template rule.
  • tool: Specify arguments to a toolchain tool.
  • toolchain: Defines a toolchain.
  • toolchain_args: Set build arguments for toolchain build setup.
  • write_file: Write a file to disk.
  • Built-in predefined variables (type "gn help <variable>" for more details):

  • build_cpu_arch: [string] The default value for the "cpu_arch" variable.
  • build_os: [string] The default value for the "os" variable.
  • component_mode: [string] Specifies the meaning of the component() call.
  • cpu_arch: [string] Current processor architecture.
  • current_toolchain: [string] Label of the current toolchain.
  • default_toolchain: [string] Label of the default toolchain.
  • os: [string] Indicates the operating system of the current build.
  • python_path: [string] Absolute path of Python.
  • root_build_dir: [string] Directory where build commands are run.
  • root_gen_dir: [string] Directory for the toolchain's generated files.
  • root_out_dir: [string] Root directory for toolchain output files.
  • target_gen_dir: [string] Directory for a target's generated files.
  • target_out_dir: [string] Directory for target output files.
  • Variables you set in targets (type "gn help <variable>" for more details):

  • all_dependent_configs: [label list] Configs to be forced on dependents.
  • args: [string list] Arguments passed to an action.
  • cflags: [string list] Flags passed to all C compiler variants.
  • cflags_c: [string list] Flags passed to the C compiler.
  • cflags_cc: [string list] Flags passed to the C++ compiler.
  • cflags_objc: [string list] Flags passed to the Objective C compiler.
  • cflags_objcc: [string list] Flags passed to the Objective C++ compiler.
  • configs: [label list] Configs applying to this target.
  • data: [file list] Runtime data file dependencies.
  • datadeps: [label list] Non-linked dependencies.
  • depfile: [string] File name for input dependencies for actions.
  • deps: [label list] Linked dependencies.
  • direct_dependent_configs: [label list] Configs to be forced on dependents.
  • forward_dependent_configs_from: [label list] Forward dependent's configs.
  • hard_dep: [boolean] Indicates a target should be built before dependees.
  • include_dirs: [directory list] Additional include directories.
  • ldflags: [string list] Flags passed to the linker.
  • lib_dirs: [directory list] Additional library directories.
  • libs: [string list] Additional libraries to link.
  • output_extension: [string] Value to use for the output's file extension.
  • output_name: [string] Name for the output file other than the default.
  • outputs: [file list] Output files for actions and copy targets.
  • public: [file list] Declare public header files for a target.
  • script: [file name] Script file for actions.
  • source_prereqs: [file list] Additional compile-time dependencies.
  • sources: [file list] Source files for a target.
  • visibility: [label list] A list of labels that can depend on a target.
  • Other help topics:

  • buildargs: How build arguments work.
  • dotfile: Info about the toplevel .gn file.
  • input_conversion: Processing input from exec_script and read_file.
  • patterns: How to use patterns.
  • source_expansion: Map sources to outputs for scripts.
  • gn args [arg name]

    Displays all arguments declared by buildfiles along with their description. Build arguments are anything in a declare_args() block in any buildfile. The comment preceding the declaration will be displayed here (so comment well!).

    These arguments can be overridden on the command-line: --args="doom_melon_setting=5 component_build=1" or in a toolchain definition (see "gn help buildargs" for more on how this all works).

    If "arg name" is specified, only the information for that argument will be displayed. Otherwise all arguments will be displayed.

    gn check: Check header dependencies.

    "gn check" is the same thing as "gn gen" with the "--check" flag except that this command does not write out any build files. It's intended to be an easy way to manually trigger include file checking.

    See "gn help" for the common command-line switches.

    gn desc <target label> [<what to show>] [--blame] [--all | --tree]

    Displays information about a given labeled target.

    Possibilities for <what to show>

    (If unspecified an overall summary will be displayed.)

    sources Source files.

    configs Shows configs applied to the given target, sorted in the order they're specified. This includes both configs specified in the "configs" variable, as well as configs pushed onto this target via dependencies specifying "all" or "direct" dependent configs.

    deps [--all | --tree] Show immediate (or, when "--all" or "--tree" is specified, recursive) dependencies of the given target. "--tree" shows them in a tree format. Otherwise, they will be sorted alphabetically. Both "deps" and "datadeps" will be included.

    defines [--blame] include_dirs [--blame] cflags [--blame] cflags_cc [--blame] cflags_cxx [--blame] ldflags [--blame] lib_dirs libs Shows the given values taken from the target and all configs applying. See "--blame" below.

    --blame Used with any value specified by a config, this will name the config that specified the value. This doesn't currently work for libs and lib_dirs because those are inherited and are more complicated to figure out the blame (patches welcome).


    This command will show the full name of directories and source files, but when directories and source paths are written to the build file, they will be adjusted to be relative to the build directory. So the values for paths displayed by this command won't match (but should mean the same thing).


      gn desc //base:base
          Summarizes the given target.

    gn desc :base_unittests deps --tree Shows a dependency tree of the "base_unittests" project in the current directory.

    gn desc //base defines --blame Shows defines set for the //base:base target, annotated by where each one was set from.

    gn gen: Generate ninja files.

    gn gen <output_directory>

    Generates ninja files from the current tree and puts them in the given output directory.

    The output directory can be a source-repo-absolute path name such as: //out/foo Or it can be a directory relative to the current directory such as: out/foo

    See "gn help" for the common command-line switches.

    gn help <anything>

    Yo dawg, I heard you like help on your help so I put help on the help in the help.

    gn refs <label_pattern> [--files]

    Finds code referencing a given label. The label can be a target or config name. Unlike most other commands, unresolved dependencies will be tolerated. This allows you to use this command to find references to targets you're in the process of moving.

    By default, the mapping from source item to dest item (where the pattern matches the dest item). See "gn help pattern" for information on pattern-matching rules.


    --files Output unique filenames referencing a matched target or config.


      gn refs "//tools/gn/*"
          Find all targets depending on any target or config in the
          "tools/gn" directory.

    gn refs //tools/gn:gn Find all targets depending on the given exact target name.

    gn refs "*gtk*" --files Find all unique buildfiles with a dependency on a target that has the substring "gtk" in the name.

    action: Declare a target that runs a script a single time.

    This target type allows you to run a script a single time to produce or more output files. If you want to run a script once for each of a set of input files, see "gn help action_foreach".

    In an action the "sources" and "source_prereqs" are treated the same: they're both input dependencies on script execution with no special handling. If you want to pass the sources to your script, you must do so explicitly by including them in the "args".

    It is recommended you put inputs to your script in the "sources" variable, and stuff like other Python files required to run your script in the "source_prereqs" variable.

    You should specify files created by your script by specifying them in the "outputs".

    The script will be executed with the given arguments with the current directory being that of the root build directory. If you pass files to your script, see "gn help to_build_path" for how to convert file names to be relative to the build directory (file names in the sources, outputs, and source_prereqs will be all treated as relative to the current build file and converted as needed automatically).

    File name handling

    All output files must be inside the output directory of the build. You would generally use |$target_out_dir| or |$target_gen_dir| to reference the output or generated intermediate file directories, respectively.


    args, data, datadeps, depfile, deps, outputs*, script*, source_prereqs, sources * = required


    action("run_this_guy_once") { script = "" sources = [ "my_configuration.txt" ] outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/insightful_output.txt" ]

    # Our script imports this Python file so we want to rebuild if it # changes. source_prereqs = [ "" ]

    # Note that we have to manually pass the sources to our script if # the script needs them as inputs. args = [ "--out", to_build_path(target_gen_dir) ] + sources }

    action_foreach: Declare a target that runs a script over a set of files.

    This target type allows you to run a script once-per-file over a set of sources. If you want to run a script once that takes many files as input, see "gn help action".

    The script will be run once per file in the "sources" variable. The "outputs" variable should specify one or more files with a source expansion pattern in it (see "gn help source_expansion"). The output file(s) for each script invocation should be unique. Normally you use "{{source_name_part}}" in each output file.

    If your script takes additional data as input, such as a shared configuration file or a Python module it uses, those files should be listed in the "source_prereqs" variable. These files are treated as dependencies of each script invocation.

    The script will be executed with the given arguments with the current directory being that of the root build directory. If you pass files to your script, see "gn help to_build_path" for how to convert file names to be relative to the build directory (file names in the sources, outputs, and source_prereqs will be all treated as relative to the current build file and converted as needed automatically).

    File name handling

    All output files must be inside the output directory of the build. You would generally use |$target_out_dir| or |$target_gen_dir| to reference the output or generated intermediate file directories, respectively.


    args, data, datadeps, depfile, deps, outputs*, script*, source_prereqs, sources* * = required


    # Runs the script over each IDL file. The IDL script will generate # both a .cc and a .h file for each input. action_foreach("my_idl") { script = "" sources = [ "foo.idl", "bar.idl" ]

    # Our script reads this file each time, so we need to list is as a # dependency so we can rebuild if it changes. source_prereqs = [ "my_configuration.txt" ]

    # Transformation from source file name to output file names. outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.h", "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.cc" ]

    # Note that since "args" is opaque to GN, if you specify paths # here, you will need to convert it to be relative to the build # directory using "to_build_path()". args = [ "{{source}}", "-o", to_build_path(relative_target_gen_dir) + "/" + {{source_name_part}}.h" ] }

    component: Declare a component target.

    A component is a shared library, static library, or source set depending on the component mode. This allows a project to separate out a build into shared libraries for faster development (link time is reduced) but to switch to a static build for releases (for better performance).

    To use this function you must set the value of the "component_mode" variable to one of the following strings: - "shared_library" - "static_library" - "source_set" It is an error to call "component" without defining the mode (typically this is done in the master build configuration file).

    executable: Declare an executable target.


    Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, defines, include_dirs, ldflags, lib_dirs, libs Deps: data, datadeps, deps, forward_dependent_configs_from, hard_dep Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, direct_dependent_configs General: configs, source_prereqs, sources

    group: Declare a named group of targets.

    This target type allows you to create meta-targets that just collect a set of dependencies into one named target. Groups can additionally specify configs that apply to their dependents.

    Depending on a group is exactly like depending directly on that group's deps. Direct dependent configs will get automatically forwarded through the group so you shouldn't need to use "forward_dependent_configs_from.


    Deps: data, datadeps, deps, forward_dependent_configs_from, hard_dep Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, direct_dependent_configs


    group("all") { deps = [ "//project:runner", "//project:unit_tests", ] }

    shared_library: Declare a shared library target.

    A shared library will be specified on the linker line for targets listing the shared library in its "deps". If you don't want this (say you dynamically load the library at runtime), then you should depend on the shared library via "datadeps" instead.


    Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, defines, include_dirs, ldflags, lib_dirs, libs Deps: data, datadeps, deps, forward_dependent_configs_from, hard_dep Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, direct_dependent_configs General: configs, source_prereqs, sources

    source_set: Declare a source set target.

    A source set is a collection of sources that get compiled, but are not linked to produce any kind of library. Instead, the resulting object files are implicitly added to the linker line of all targets that depend on the source set.

    In most cases, a source set will behave like a static library, except no actual library file will be produced. This will make the build go a little faster by skipping creation of a large static library, while maintaining the organizational benefits of focused build targets.

    The main difference between a source set and a static library is around handling of exported symbols. Most linkers assume declaring a function exported means exported from the static library. The linker can then do dead code elimination to delete code not reachable from exported functions.

    A source set will not do this code elimination since there is no link step. This allows you to link many sources sets into a shared library and have the "exported symbol" notation indicate "export from the final shared library and not from the intermediate targets." There is no way to express this concept when linking multiple static libraries into a shared library.


    Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, defines, include_dirs, ldflags, lib_dirs, libs Deps: data, datadeps, deps, forward_dependent_configs_from, hard_dep Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, direct_dependent_configs General: configs, source_prereqs, sources

    static_library: Declare a static library target.

    Make a ".a" / ".lib" file.

    If you only need the static library for intermediate results in the build, you should consider a source_set instead since it will skip the (potentially slow) step of creating the intermediate library file.


    Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, defines, include_dirs, ldflags, lib_dirs, libs Deps: data, datadeps, deps, forward_dependent_configs_from, hard_dep Dependent configs: all_dependent_configs, direct_dependent_configs General: configs, source_prereqs, sources

    test: Declares a test target.

    This is like an executable target, but is named differently to make the purpose of the target more obvious. It's possible in the future we can do some enhancements like "list all of the tests in a given directory".

    See "gn help executable" for usage.

    assert: Assert an expression is true at generation time.

    assert(<condition> [, <error string>])

    If the condition is false, the build will fail with an error. If the optional second argument is provided, that string will be printed with the error message.


      assert(defined(sources), "Sources must be defined")

    config: Defines a configuration object.

    Configuration objects can be applied to targets and specify sets of compiler flags, includes, defines, etc. They provide a way to conveniently group sets of this configuration information.

    A config is referenced by its label just like a target.

    The values in a config are additive only. If you want to remove a flag you need to remove the corresponding config that sets it. The final set of flags, defines, etc. for a target is generated in this order:

    1. The values specified directly on the target (rather than using a config. 2. The configs specified in the target's "configs" list, in order. 3. Direct dependent configs from a breadth-first traversal of the dependency tree in the order that the targets appear in "deps". 4. All dependent configs from a breadth-first traversal of the dependency tree in the order that the targets appear in "deps".

    Variables valid in a config definition

    Flags: cflags, cflags_c, cflags_cc, cflags_objc, cflags_objcc, defines, include_dirs, ldflags, lib_dirs, libs

    Variables on a target used to apply configs

    all_dependent_configs, configs, direct_dependent_configs, forward_dependent_configs_from


      config("myconfig") {
        includes = [ "include/common" ]
        defines = [ "ENABLE_DOOM_MELON" ]

    executable("mything") { configs = [ ":myconfig" ] }

    copy: Declare a target that copies files.

    File name handling

    All output files must be inside the output directory of the build. You would generally use |$target_out_dir| or |$target_gen_dir| to reference the output or generated intermediate file directories, respectively.

    Both "sources" and "outputs" must be specified. Sources can as many files as you want, but there can only be one item in the outputs list (plural is used for the name for consistency with other target types).

    If there is more than one source file, your output name should specify a mapping from each source files to output file names using source expansion (see "gn help source_expansion"). The placeholders will will look like "{{source_name_part}}", for example.


    # Write a rule that copies a checked-in DLL to the output directory. copy("mydll") { sources = [ "mydll.dll" ] outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/mydll.dll" ] }

    # Write a rule to copy several files to the target generated files # directory. copy("myfiles") { sources = [ "data1.dat", "data2.dat", "data3.dat" ]

    # Use source expansion to generate output files with the # corresponding file names in the gen dir. This will just copy each # file. outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ] }

    declare_args: Declare build arguments.

    Introduces the given arguments into the current scope. If they are not specified on the command line or in a toolchain's arguments, the default values given in the declare_args block will be used. However, these defaults will not override command-line values.

    See also "gn help buildargs" for an overview.


      declare_args() {
        enable_teleporter = true
        enable_doom_melon = false

    If you want to override the (default disabled) Doom Melon: gn --args="enable_doom_melon=true enable_teleporter=false" This also sets the teleporter, but it's already defaulted to on so it will have no effect.

    exec_script: Synchronously run a script and return the output.

    exec_script(filename, arguments = [], input_conversion = "", file_dependencies = [])

    Runs the given script, returning the stdout of the script. The build generation will fail if the script does not exist or returns a nonzero exit code.

    The current directory when executing the script will be the root build directory. If you are passing file names, you will want to use the rebase_path() function to make file names relative to this path (see "gn help rebase_path").


    filename: File name of python script to execute. Non-absolute names will be treated as relative to the current build file.

    arguments: A list of strings to be passed to the script as arguments. May be unspecified or the empty list which means no arguments.

    input_conversion: Controls how the file is read and parsed. See "gn help input_conversion".

    If unspecified, defaults to the empty string which causes the script result to be discarded. exec script will return None.

    dependencies: (Optional) A list of files that this script reads or otherwise depends on. These dependencies will be added to the build result such that if any of them change, the build will be regenerated and the script will be re-run.

    The script itself will be an implicit dependency so you do not need to list it.


    all_lines = exec_script( "", [some_input], "list lines", [ rebase_path("data_file.txt", root_build_dir) ])

    # This example just calls the script with no arguments and discards # the result. exec_script("//foo/bar/")

    getenv: Get an environment variable.

    value = getenv(env_var_name)

    Returns the value of the given enironment variable. If the value is not found, it will try to look up the variable with the "opposite" case (based on the case of the first letter of the variable), but is otherwise case-sensitive.

    If the environment variable is not found, the empty string will be returned. Note: it might be nice to extend this if we had the concept of "none" in the language to indicate lookup failure.


    home_dir = getenv("HOME")

    import: Import a file into the current scope.

    The import command loads the rules and variables resulting from executing the given file into the current scope.

    By convention, imported files are named with a .gni extension.

    An import is different than a C++ "include". The imported file is executed in a standalone environment from the caller of the import command. The results of this execution are cached for other files that import the same .gni file.

    Note that you can not import a file that's otherwise used in the build. Files must either be imported or implicitly loaded as a result of deps rules, but not both.

    The imported file's scope will be merged with the scope at the point import was called. If there is a conflict (both the current scope and the imported file define some variable or rule with the same name but different value), a runtime error will be thrown. Therefore, it's good practice to minimize the stuff that an imported file defines.



    # Looks in the current directory. import("my_vars.gni")

    print: Prints to the console.

    Prints all arguments to the console separated by spaces. A newline is automatically appended to the end.

    This function is intended for debugging. Note that build files are run in parallel so you may get interleaved prints. A buildfile may also be executed more than once in parallel in the context of different toolchains so the prints from one file may be duplicated or interleaved with itself.


      print("Hello world")

    print(sources, deps)

    process_file_template: Do template expansion over a list of files.

    process_file_template(source_list, template)

    process_file_template applies a template list to a source file list, returning the result of applying each template to each source. This is typically used for computing output file names from input files.


    The source_list is a list of file names.

    The template can be a string or a list. If it is a list, multiple output strings are generated for each input.

    The following template substrings are used in the template arguments and are replaced with the corresponding part of the input file name:

    {{source}} The entire source name.

    {{source_name_part}} The source name with no path or extension.


    sources = [ "foo.idl", "bar.idl", ] myoutputs = process_file_template( sources, [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.cc", "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.h" ])

    The result in this case will be

    [ "//out/Debug/" "//out/Debug/foo.h" "//out/Debug/" "//out/Debug/bar.h" ]

    read_file: Read a file into a variable.

    read_file(filename, input_conversion)

    Whitespace will be trimmed from the end of the file. Throws an error if the file can not be opened.


    filename Filename to read, relative to the build file.

    input_conversion Controls how the file is read and parsed. See "gn help input_conversion".


      lines = read_file("foo.txt", "list lines")

    rebase_path: Rebase a file or directory to another location.

    converted = rebase_path(input, new_base = "", current_base = ".")

    Takes a string argument representing a file name, or a list of such strings and converts it/them to be relative to a different base directory.

    When invoking the compiler or scripts, GN will automatically convert sources and include directories to be relative to the build directory. However, if you're passing files directly in the "args" array or doing other manual manipulations where GN doesn't know something is a file name, you will need to convert paths to be relative to what your tool is expecting.

    The common case is to use this to convert paths relative to the current directory to be relative to the build directory (which will be the current directory when executing scripts).


    input A string or list of strings representing file or directory names These can be relative paths ("foo/bar.txt"), system absolute paths ("/foo/bar.txt"), or source absolute paths ("//foo/bar.txt").

    new_base The directory to convert the paths to be relative to. This can be an absolute path or a relative path (which will be treated as being relative to the current BUILD-file's directory).

    As a special case, if new_base is the empty string (the default), all paths will be converted to system-absolute native style paths with system path separators. This is useful for invoking external programs.

    current_base Directory representing the base for relative paths in the input. If this is not an absolute path, it will be treated as being relative to the current build file. Use "." (the default) to convert paths from the current BUILD-file's directory.

    On Posix systems there are no path separator transformations applied. If the new_base is empty (specifying absolute output) this parameter should not be supplied since paths will always be converted,

    Return value

    The return value will be the same type as the input value (either a string or a list of strings). All relative and source-absolute file names will be converted to be relative to the requested output System-absolute paths will be unchanged.


    # Convert a file in the current directory to be relative to the build # directory (the current dir when executing compilers and scripts). foo = rebase_path("myfile.txt", root_build_dir) # might produce "../../project/myfile.txt".

    # Convert a file to be system absolute: foo = rebase_path("myfile.txt") # Might produce "D:\source\project\myfile.txt" on Windows or # "/home/you/source/project/myfile.txt" on Linux.

    # Convert a file's path separators from forward slashes to system # slashes. foo = rebase_path("source/myfile.txt", ".", ".", "to_system")

    # Typical usage for converting to the build directory for a script. action("myscript") { # Don't convert sources, GN will automatically convert these to be # relative to the build directory when it contructs the command # line for your script. sources = [ "foo.txt", "bar.txt" ]

    # Extra file args passed manually need to be explicitly converted # to be relative to the build directory: args = [ "--data", rebase_path("//mything/data/input.dat", root_build_dir), "--rel", rebase_path("relative_path.txt", root_build_dir) ] + sources }

    set_default_toolchain: Sets the default toolchain name.


    The given label should identify a toolchain definition (see "help toolchain"). This toolchain will be used for all targets unless otherwise specified.

    This function is only valid to call during the processing of the build configuration file. Since the build configuration file is processed separately for each toolchain, this function will be a no-op when called under any non-default toolchains.

    For example, the default toolchain should be appropriate for the current environment. If the current environment is 32-bit and somebody references a target with a 64-bit toolchain, we wouldn't want processing of the build config file for the 64-bit toolchain to reset the default toolchain to 64-bit, we want to keep it 32-bits.


    toolchain_label Toolchain name.



    set_defaults: Set default values for a target type.

    set_defaults(<target_type_name>) { <values...> }

    Sets the default values for a given target type. Whenever target_type_name is seen in the future, the values specified in set_default's block will be copied into the current scope.

    When the target type is used, the variable copying is very strict. If a variable with that name is already in scope, the build will fail with an error.

    set_defaults can be used for built-in target types ("executable", "shared_library", etc.) and custom ones defined via the "template" command.


      set_defaults("static_library") {
        configs = [ "//tools/mything:settings" ]

    static_library("mylib") # The configs will be auto-populated as above. You can remove it if # you don't want the default for a particular default: configs -= "//tools/mything:settings" }

    set_sources_assignment_filter: Set a pattern to filter source files.

    The sources assignment filter is a list of patterns that remove files from the list implicitly whenever the "sources" variable is assigned to. This is intended to be used to globally filter out files with platform-specific naming schemes when they don't apply, for example, you may want to filter out all "*" files on non- Windows platforms.

    See "gn help patterns" for specifics on patterns.

    Typically this will be called once in the master build config script to set up the filter for the current platform. Subsequent calls will overwrite the previous values.

    If you want to bypass the filter and add a file even if it might be filtered out, call set_sources_assignment_filter([]) to clear the list of filters. This will apply until the current scope exits


      # Filter out all _win files.
      set_sources_assignment_filter([ "*", "*_win.h" ])

    template: Define a template rule.

    A template defines a custom name that acts like a function. It provides a way to add to the built-in target types.

    The template() function is used to declare a template. To invoke the template, just use the name of the template like any other target type.

    Often you will want to declare your template in a special file that other files will import (see "gn help import") so your template rule can be shared across build files.

    More details

    When you call template() it creates a closure around all variables currently in scope with the code in the template block. When the template is invoked, the closure will be executed.

    When the template is invoked, the code in the caller is executed and passed to the template code as an implicit "invoker" variable. The template uses this to read state out of the invoking code.

    One thing explicitly excluded from the closure is the "current directory" against which relative file names are resolved. The current directory will be that of the invoking code, since typically that code specifies the file names. This means all files internal to the template should use absolute names.

    Target naming

    Your template should almost always define a built-in target with the name the template invoker specified. For example, if you have an IDL template and somebody does: idl("foo") {... you will normally want this to expand to something defining a source_set or static_library named "foo" (among other things you may need). This way, when another target specifies a dependency on "foo", the static_library or source_set will be linked.

    It is also important that any other targets your template expands to have globally unique names, or you will get collisions.

    Access the invoking name in your template via the implicit "target_name" variable. This should also be the basis of how other targets that a template expands to to ensure uniquness.

    A typical example would be a template that defines an action to generate some source files, and a source_set to compile that source. Your template would name the source_set "target_name" because that's what you want external targets to depend on to link your code. And you would name the action something like "${target_name}_action" to make it unique. The source set would have a dependency on the action to make it run.


    template("my_idl") { # Be nice and help callers debug problems by checking that the # variables the template requires are defined. This gives a nice # message rather than giving the user an error about an # undefined variable in the file defining the template # # You can also use defined() to give default values to variables # unspecified by the invoker. assert(defined(invoker.sources), "Need sources in $target_name listing the idl files.")

    # Define a variable containing a source expansion # (see "gn help source_expansion") that maps input files to # output files. It is used in both targets below. filter = [ "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.cc", "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}.h" ]

    # Intermediate target to convert IDL to C source. Note that the name # is based on the name the invoker of the template specified. This # way, each time the template is invoked we get a unique # intermediate action name (since all target names are in the global # scope). action_foreach("${target_name}_code_gen") { # Access the scope defined by the invoker via the implicit # "invoker" variable. sources = invoker.sources

    # Note that we need an absolute path for our script file name. # The current directory when executing this code will be that of # the invoker (this is why we can use the "sources" directly # above without having to rebase all of the paths). But if we need # to reference a script relative to the template file, we'll need # to use an absolute path instead. script = "//tools/idl/" outputs = filter # Variable from above. }

    # Name the source set the same as the template invocation so # instancing this template produces something that other targets # can link to in their deps. source_set(target_name) { # Generates the list of sources. # See "gn help process_file_template" sources = process_file_template(invoker.sources, filter)

    # This target depends on the files produced by the above code gen # target. deps = [ ":${target_name}_code_gen" ] } }


    # This calls the template code above, defining target_name to be # "foo_idl_files" and "invoker" to be the set of stuff defined in # the curly brackets. my_idl("foo_idl_files") { # Goes into the template as "invoker.sources". sources = [ "foo.idl", "bar.idl" ] }

    # Here is a target that depends on our template. executable("my_exe") { # Depend on the name we gave the template call above. Internally, # this will produce a dependency from executable to the source_set # inside the template (since it has this name), which will in turn # depend on the code gen action. deps = [ ":foo_idl_files" ] }

    tool: Specify arguments to a toolchain tool.

    tool(<command type>) { <command flags> }

    Used inside a toolchain definition to define a command to run for a given file type. See also "gn help toolchain".

    Command types

    The following values may be passed to the tool() function for the type of the command:

    "cc", "cxx", "objc", "objcxx", "asm", "alink", "solink", "link", "stamp", "copy"

    Command flags

    These variables may be specified in the { } block after the tool call. They are passed directly to Ninja. See the ninja documentation for how they work. Don't forget to backslash-escape $ required by Ninja to prevent GN from doing variable expansion.

    command, depfile, deps, description, pool, restat, rspfile, rspfile_content

    Additionally, lib_prefix and lib_dir_prefix may be used for the link tools. These strings will be prepended to the libraries and library search directories, respectively, because linkers differ on how to specify them.

    Note: On Mac libraries with names ending in ".framework" will be added to the link like with a "-framework" switch and the lib prefix will be ignored.


      toolchain("my_toolchain") {
        # Put these at the top to apply to all tools below.
        lib_prefix = "-l"
        lib_dir_prefix = "-L"

    tool("cc") { command = "gcc \$in -o \$out" description = "GCC \$in" } tool("cxx") { command = "g++ \$in -o \$out" description = "G++ \$in" } }

    toolchain: Defines a toolchain.

    A toolchain is a set of commands and build flags used to compile the source code. You can have more than one toolchain in use at once in a build.

    A toolchain specifies the commands to run for various input file types via the "tool" call (see "gn help tool") and specifies arguments to be passed to the toolchain build via the "toolchain_args" call (see "gn help toolchain_args").

    Invoking targets in toolchains

    By default, when a target depends on another, there is an implicit toolchain label that is inherited, so the dependee has the same one as the dependent.

    You can override this and refer to any other toolchain by explicitly labeling the toolchain to use. For example: datadeps = [ "//plugins:mine(//toolchains:plugin_toolchain)" ] The string "//build/toolchains:plugin_toolchain" is a label that identifies the toolchain declaration for compiling the sources.

    To load a file in an alternate toolchain, GN does the following:

    1. Loads the file with the toolchain definition in it (as determined by the toolchain label). 2. Re-runs the master build configuration file, applying the arguments specified by the toolchain_args section of the toolchain definition (see "gn help toolchain_args"). 3. Loads the destination build file in the context of the configuration file in the previous step.


      toolchain("plugin_toolchain") {
        tool("cc") {
          command = "gcc $in"    }

    toolchain_args() { is_plugin = true is_32bit = true is_64bit = false } }

    toolchain_args: Set build arguments for toolchain build setup.

    Used inside a toolchain definition to pass arguments to an alternate toolchain's invocation of the build.

    When you specify a target using an alternate toolchain, the master build configuration file is re-interpreted in the context of that toolchain (see "gn help toolchain"). The toolchain_args function allows you to control the arguments passed into this alternate invocation of the build.

    Any default system arguments or arguments passed in on the command- line will also be passed to the alternate invocation unless explicitly overridden by toolchain_args.

    The toolchain_args will be ignored when the toolchain being defined is the default. In this case, it's expected you want the default argument values.

    See also "gn help buildargs" for an overview of these arguments.


      toolchain("my_weird_toolchain") {
        toolchain_args() {
          # Override the system values for a generic Posix system.
          is_win = false
          is_posix = true

    # Pass this new value for specific setup for my toolchain. is_my_weird_system = true } }

    write_file: Write a file to disk.

    write_file(filename, data)

    If data is a list, the list will be written one-item-per-line with no quoting or brackets.

    TODO(brettw) we probably need an optional third argument to control list formatting.


    filename Filename to write. This must be within the output directory.

    data: The list or string to write.

    build_cpu_arch: The default value for the "cpu_arch" variable.

    This value has the same definition as "cpu_arch" (see "gn help cpu_arch") but should be treated as read-only. This is so the build can override the "cpu_arch" variable for doing cross-compiles, but can still access the host build system's CPU architecture.

    build_os: [string] The default value for the "os" variable.

    This value has the same definition as "os" (see "gn help os") but should be treated as read-only. This is so the build can override the "os" variable for doing cross-compiles, but can still access the host build system's operating system type.

    component_mode: Specifies the meaning of the component() call.

    This value is looked up whenever a "component" target type is encountered. The value controls whether the given target is a shared or a static library.

    The initial value will be empty, which will cause a call to component() to throw an error. Typically this value will be set in the build config script.

    Possible values

    - "shared_library" - "source_set" - "static_library"

    cpu_arch: Current processor architecture.

    The initial value is based on the current architecture of the host system. However, the build configuration can set this to any value.

    This value is not used internally by GN for any purpose, so you can set it to whatever value is relevant to your build.

    Possible initial values set by GN

    - "x86" - "x64" - "arm" - "mipsel"

    current_toolchain: Label of the current toolchain.

    A fully-qualified label representing the current toolchain. You can use this to make toolchain-related decisions in the build. See also "default_toolchain".


    if (current_toolchain == "//build:64_bit_toolchain") { executable("output_thats_64_bit_only") { ...

    default_toolchain: [string] Label of the default toolchain.

    A fully-qualified label representing the default toolchain, which may not necessarily be the current one (see "current_toolchain").

    os: Indicates the operating system of the current build.

    This value is set by default based on the current host operating system. The build configuration can override the value to anything it wants, or it can be set via the build arguments on the command line.

    If you want to know the default value without any overrides, you can use "default_os" (see "gn help default_os").

    Note that this returns the most specific value. So even though Android and ChromeOS are both Linux, the more specific value will be returned.

    Some possible values

    - "amiga" - "android" - "chromeos" - "ios" - "linux" - "mac" - "win"

    python_path: Absolute path of Python.

    Normally used in toolchain definitions if running some command requires Python. You will normally not need this when invoking scripts since GN automatically finds it for you.

    root_build_dir: [string] Directory where build commands are run.

    This is the root build output directory which will be the current directory when executing all compilers and scripts.

    Most often this is used with rebase_path (see "gn help rebase_path") to convert arguments to be relative to a script's current directory.

    root_gen_dir: Directory for the toolchain's generated files.

    Absolute path to the root of the generated output directory tree for the current toolchain. An example value might be "//out/Debug/gen". It will not have a trailing slash.

    This is primarily useful for setting up include paths for generated files. If you are passing this to a script, you will want to pass it through rebase_path() (see "gn help rebase_path") to convert it to be relative to the build directory.

    See also "target_gen_dir" which is usually a better location for generated files. It will be inside the root generated dir.

    root_out_dir: [string] Root directory for toolchain output files.

    Absolute path to the root of the output directory tree for the current toolchain. An example value might be "//out/Debug/gen". It will not have a trailing slash.

    This is primarily useful for setting up script calls. If you are passing this to a script, you will want to pass it through rebase_path() (see "gn help rebase_path") to convert it to be relative to the build directory.

    See also "target_out_dir" which is usually a better location for output files. It will be inside the root output dir.


    action("myscript") { # Pass the output dir to the script. args = [ "-o", rebase_path(root_out_dir, root_build_dir) ] }

    target_gen_dir: Directory for a target's generated files.

    Absolute path to the target's generated file directory. If your current target is in "//tools/doom_melon" then this value might be "//out/Debug/gen/tools/doom_melon". It will not have a trailing slash.

    This is primarily useful for setting up include paths for generated files. If you are passing this to a script, you will want to pass it through rebase_path() (see "gn help rebase_path") to convert it to be relative to the build directory.

    See also "gn help root_gen_dir".


    action("myscript") { # Pass the generated output dir to the script. args = [ "-o", rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir) ] }

    target_out_dir: [string] Directory for target output files.

    Absolute path to the target's generated file directory. If your current target is in "//tools/doom_melon" then this value might be "//out/Debug/obj/tools/doom_melon". It will not have a trailing slash.

    This is primarily useful for setting up arguments for calling scripts. If you are passing this to a script, you will want to pass it through rebase_path() (see "gn help rebase_path") to convert it to be relative to the build directory.

    See also "gn help root_out_dir".


    action("myscript") { # Pass the output dir to the script. args = [ "-o", rebase_path(target_out_dir, root_build_dir) ] }

    all_dependent_configs: Configs to be forced on dependents.

    A list of config labels.

    All targets depending on this one, and recursively, all targets depending on those, will have the configs listed in this variable added to them. These configs will also apply to the current target.

    This addition happens in a second phase once a target and all of its dependencies have been resolved. Therefore, a target will not see these force-added configs in their "configs" variable while the script is running, and then can not be removed. As a result, this capability should generally only be used to add defines and include directories necessary to compile a target's headers.

    See also "direct_dependent_configs".

    gn args [arg name]

    Displays all arguments declared by buildfiles along with their description. Build arguments are anything in a declare_args() block in any buildfile. The comment preceding the declaration will be displayed here (so comment well!).

    These arguments can be overridden on the command-line: --args="doom_melon_setting=5 component_build=1" or in a toolchain definition (see "gn help buildargs" for more on how this all works).

    If "arg name" is specified, only the information for that argument will be displayed. Otherwise all arguments will be displayed.

    cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.

    A list of strings.

    "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and Objective C++ compilers.

    To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific versions will be appended to the "cflags".

    Flags are never quoted. If your flag includes a string that must be quoted, you must do it yourself. This also means that you can specify more than one flag in a string if necessary ("--foo --bar") and have them be seen as separate by the tool.

    cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.

    A list of strings.

    "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and Objective C++ compilers.

    To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific versions will be appended to the "cflags".

    Flags are never quoted. If your flag includes a string that must be quoted, you must do it yourself. This also means that you can specify more than one flag in a string if necessary ("--foo --bar") and have them be seen as separate by the tool.

    cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.

    A list of strings.

    "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and Objective C++ compilers.

    To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific versions will be appended to the "cflags".

    Flags are never quoted. If your flag includes a string that must be quoted, you must do it yourself. This also means that you can specify more than one flag in a string if necessary ("--foo --bar") and have them be seen as separate by the tool.

    cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.

    A list of strings.

    "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and Objective C++ compilers.

    To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific versions will be appended to the "cflags".

    Flags are never quoted. If your flag includes a string that must be quoted, you must do it yourself. This also means that you can specify more than one flag in a string if necessary ("--foo --bar") and have them be seen as separate by the tool.

    cflags*: Flags passed to the C compiler.

    A list of strings.

    "cflags" are passed to all invocations of the C, C++, Objective C, and Objective C++ compilers.

    To target one of these variants individually, use "cflags_c", "cflags_cc", "cflags_objc", and "cflags_objcc", respectively. These variant-specific versions will be appended to the "cflags".

    Flags are never quoted. If your flag includes a string that must be quoted, you must do it yourself. This also means that you can specify more than one flag in a string if necessary ("--foo --bar") and have them be seen as separate by the tool.

    configs: Configs applying to this target.

    A list of config labels.

    The include_dirs, defines, etc. in each config are appended in the order they appear to the compile command for each file in the target. They will appear after the include_dirs, defines, etc. that the target sets directly.

    The build configuration script will generally set up the default configs applying to a given target type (see "set_defaults"). When a target is being defined, it can add to or remove from this list.


      static_library("foo") {
        configs -= "//build:no_rtti"  # Don't use the default RTTI config.
        configs += ":mysettings"      # Add some of our own settings.

    data: Runtime data file dependencies.

    Lists files required to run the given target. These are typically data files.

    Appearing in the "data" section does not imply any special handling such as copying them to the output directory. This is just used for declaring runtime dependencies. There currently isn't a good use for these but it is envisioned that test data can be listed here for use running automated tests.

    See also "gn help source_prereqs" and "gn help datadeps", both of which actually affect the build in concrete ways.

    datadeps: Non-linked dependencies.

    A list of target labels.

    Specifies dependencies of a target that are not actually linked into the current target. Such dependencies will built and will be available at runtime.

    This is normally used for things like plugins or helper programs that a target needs at runtime.

    See also "gn help deps" and "gn help data".


      executable("foo") {
        deps = [ "//base" ]
        datadeps = [ "//plugins:my_runtime_plugin" ]

    depfile: [string] File name for input dependencies for actions.

    If nonempty, this string specifies that the current action or action_foreach target will generate the given ".d" file containing the dependencies of the input. Empty or unset means that the script doesn't generate the files.

    The .d file should go in the target output directory. If you have more than one source file that the script is being run over, you can use the output file expansions described in "gn help action_foreach" to name the .d file according to the input. The format is that of a Makefile, and all of the paths should be relative to the root build directory.


      action_foreach("myscript_target") {
        script = ""
        sources = [ ... ]

    # Locate the depfile in the output directory named like the # inputs but with a ".d" appended. depfile = "$relative_target_output_dir/{{source_name}}.d"

    # Say our script uses "-o <d file>" to indicate the depfile. args = [ "{{source}}", "-o", depfile ] }

    deps: Linked dependencies.

    A list of target labels.

    Specifies dependencies of a target. Shared and dynamic libraries will be linked into the current target. Other target types that can't be linked (like actions and groups) listed in "deps" will be treated as "datadeps". Likewise, if the current target isn't linkable, then all deps will be treated as "datadeps".

    See also "datadeps".

    direct_dependent_configs: Configs to be forced on dependents.

    A list of config labels.

    Targets directly referencing this one will have the configs listed in this variable added to them. These configs will also apply to the current target.

    This addition happens in a second phase once a target and all of its dependencies have been resolved. Therefore, a target will not see these force-added configs in their "configs" variable while the script is running, and then can not be removed. As a result, this capability should generally only be used to add defines and include directories necessary to compile a target's headers.

    See also "all_dependent_configs".


    A list of target labels.

    Exposes the direct_dependent_configs from a dependent target as direct_dependent_configs of the current one. Each label in this list must also be in the deps.

    Sometimes you depend on a child library that exports some necessary configuration via direct_dependent_configs. If your target in turn exposes the child library's headers in its public headers, it might mean that targets that depend on you won't work: they'll be seeing the child library's code but not the necessary configuration. This list specifies which of your deps' direct dependent configs to expose as your own.


    If we use a given library "a" from our public headers:

    deps = [ ":a", ":b", ... ] forward_dependent_configs_from = [ ":a" ]

    This example makes a "transparent" target that forwards a dependency to another:

    group("frob") { if (use_system_frob) { deps = ":system_frob" } else { deps = "//third_party/fallback_frob" } forward_dependent_configs_from = deps }

    hard_dep: Indicates a target should be built before dependees.

    Ninja's default is to assume that targets can be compiled independently. This breaks down for generated files that are included in other targets because Ninja doesn't know to run the generator before compiling the source file.

    Setting "hard_dep" to true on a target means that no sources in targets depending directly on this one will be compiled until this target is complete. It will introduce a Ninja implicit dependency from those sources to this target. This flag is not transitive so it will only affect direct dependents, which will cause problems if a direct dependent uses this generated file in a public header that a third target consumes. Try not to do this.

    See also "gn help source_prereqs" which allows you to specify the exact generated file dependency on the target consuming it.


      executable("foo") {
        # myresource will be run before any of the sources in this target
        # are compiled.
        deps = [ ":myresource" ]

    action("myresource") { hard_dep = true script = "" outputs = "$target_gen_dir/myresource.h" }

    include_dirs: Additional include directories.

    A list of source directories.

    The directories in this list will be added to the include path for the files in the affected target.


      include_dirs = [ "src/include", "//third_party/foo" ]

    ldflags: Flags passed to the linker.

    A list of strings.

    These flags are passed on the command-line to the linker and generally specify various linking options. Most targets will not need these and will use "libs" and "lib_dirs" instead.

    Flags are never quoted. If your flag includes a string that must be quoted, you must do it yourself. This also means that you can specify more than one flag in a string if necessary ("--foo --bar") and have them be seen as separate by the tool.

    lib_dirs: Additional library directories.

    A list of directories.

    Specifies additional directories passed to the linker for searching for the required libraries. If an item is not an absolute path, it will be treated as being relative to the current build file.

    libs and lib_dirs work differently than other flags in two respects. First, then are inherited across static library boundaries until a shared library or executable target is reached. Second, they are uniquified so each one is only passed once (the first instance of it will be the one used).

    The order that libs/lib_dirs apply is: 1. Ones set on the target itself. 2. Ones from the configs applying to the target. 3. Ones from deps of the target, in order (recursively following these rules).


      lib_dirs = [ "/usr/lib/foo", "lib/doom_melon" ]

    libs: Additional libraries to link.

    A list of strings.

    These files will be passed to the linker, which will generally search the library include path. Unlike a normal list of files, they will be passed to the linker unmodified rather than being treated as file names relative to the current build file. Generally you would set the "lib_dirs" so your library is found. If you need to specify a path, you can use "rebase_path" to convert a path to be relative to the build directory.

    When constructing the linker command, the "lib_prefix" attribute of the linker tool in the current toolchain will be prepended to each library. So your BUILD file should not specify the switch prefix (like "-l"). On Mac, libraries ending in ".framework" will be special-cased: the switch "-framework" will be prepended instead of the lib_prefix, and the ".framework" suffix will be trimmed.

    libs and lib_dirs work differently than other flags in two respects. First, then are inherited across static library boundaries until a shared library or executable target is reached. Second, they are uniquified so each one is only passed once (the first instance of it will be the one used).

    The order that libs/lib_dirs apply is: 1. Ones set on the target itself. 2. Ones from the configs applying to the target. 3. Ones from deps of the target, in order (recursively following these rules).


      On Windows:
        libs = [ "ctl3d.lib" ]
      On Linux:
        libs = [ "ld" ]

    output_extension: Value to use for the output's file extension.

    Normally the file extension for a target is based on the target type and the operating system, but in rare cases you will need to override the name (for example to use "" instead of on Linux).

    output_name: Define a name for the output file other than the default.

    Normally the output name of a target will be based on the target name, so the target "//foo/bar:bar_unittests" will generate an output file such as "bar_unittests.exe" (using Windows as an example).

    Sometimes you will want an alternate name to avoid collisions or if the internal name isn't appropriate for public distribution.

    The output name should have no extension or prefixes, these will be added using the default system rules. For example, on Linux an output name of "foo" will produce a shared library "".

    This variable is valid for all binary output target types.


      static_library("doom_melon") {
        output_name = "fluffy_bunny"

    outputs: Output files for actions and copy targets.

    Outputs is valid for "copy", "action", and "action_foreach" target types and indicates the resulting files. The values may contain source expansions to generate the output names from the sources (see "gn help source_expansion").

    For copy targets, the outputs is the destination for the copied file(s). For actions, the outputs should be the list of files generated by the script.

    public: Declare public header files for a target.

    A list of files and patterns that other targets can include. These permissions are checked via the "check" command (see "gn help check").

    If no public files are declared, other targets (assuming they have visibility to depend on this target) can include any file. If this variable is defined on a target, dependent targets may only include files on this whitelist.

    The entries in this list are patterns (see "gn help patterns") so you can use simple wildcard matching if you have a directory of public files.

    Header file permissions are also subject to visibility. A target must be visible to another target to include any files from it at all and the public headers indicate which subset of those files are permitted.

    Public files are inherited through the dependency tree. So if there is a dependency A -> B -> C, then A can include C's public headers. However, the same is NOT true of visibility, so unless A is in C's visibility list, the include will be rejected.


      These exact files are public:
        public = [ "foo.h", "bar.h" ]

    All files in the "public" directory are public: public = [ "public/*" ]

    No files are public (no targets may include headers from this one): public = []

    script: Script file for actions.

    An absolute or buildfile-relative file name of a Python script to run for a action and action_foreach targets (see "gn help action" and "gn help action_foreach").

    source_prereqs: Additional compile-time dependencies.

    Inputs are compile-time dependencies of the current target. This means that all source prerequisites must be available before compiling any of the sources.

    If one of your sources #includes a generated file, that file must be available before that source file is compiled. For subsequent builds, the ".d" files will list the include dependencies of each source and Ninja can know about that dependency to make sure it's generated before compiling your source file. However, for the first run it's not possible for Ninja to know about this dependency.

    Source prerequisites solves this problem by declaring such dependencies. It will introduce a Ninja "implicit" dependency for each source file in the target on the listed files.

    For binary targets, the files in the "source_prereqs" should all be listed in the "outputs" section of another target. There is no reason to declare static source files as source prerequisites since the normal include file dependency management will handle them more efficiently anyway.

    For action targets that don't generate ".d" files, the "source_prereqs" section is how you can list known compile-time dependencies your script may have.

    See also "gn help data" and "gn help datadeps" (which declare run-time rather than compile-time dependencies), and "gn help hard_dep" which allows you to declare the source dependency on the target generating a file rather than the target consuming it.


      executable("foo") {
        sources = [ "" ]
        source_prereqs = [ "$root_gen_dir/something/generated_data.h" ]

    action("myscript") { script = "" source_prereqs = [ "" ] }

    sources: Source files for a target

    A list of files relative to the current buildfile.

    visibility: A list of labels that can depend on a target.

    A label or a list of labels and label patterns that define which targets can depend on the current one. These permissions are checked via then "check" command (see "gn help check").

    If visibility is not defined, it defaults to public ("*").

    If visibility is defined, only the targets with labels that match it can depend on the current target. The empty list means no targets can depend on the current target.

    Tip: Often you will want the same visibility for all targets in a BUILD file. In this case you can just put the definition at the top, outside of any target, and the targets will inherit that scope and see the definition.


    You can specify "*" but the inputs aren't general patterns. The following classes of patterns are supported:

    - Explicit (no wildcard): "//foo/bar:baz" ":baz" - Wildcard target names: "//foo/bar:*" (any target in the //foo/bar/ file) ":*" (any target in the current build file) - Wildcard directory names ("*" is only supported at the end) "*" (any target anywhere) "//foo/bar/*" (any target in any subdir of //foo/bar) "./*" (any target in the current build file or sub dirs)

    The toolchain (normally an implicit part of a label) is ignored when checking visibility.


    Only targets in the current buildfile ("private", the default): visibility = ":*"

    No targets (used for targets that should be leaf nodes): visibility = []

    Any target ("public"): visibility = "*"

    All targets in the current directory and any subdirectory: visibility = "./*"

    Any target in "//bar/": visibility = "//bar:*"

    Any target in "//bar/" or any subdirectory thereof: visibility = "//bar/*"

    Just these specific targets: visibility = [ ":mything", "//foo:something_else" ]

    Any target in the current directory and any subdirectory thereof, plus any targets in "//bar/" and any subdirectory thereof. visibility = [ "./*", "//bar/*" ]

    Build Arguments Overview

    Build arguments are variables passed in from outside of the build that build files can query to determine how the build works.

    How build arguments are set

    First, system default arguments are set based on the current system. The built-in arguments are: - cpu_arch (by default this is the same as "default_cpu_arch") - default_cpu_arch - default_os - os (by default this is the same as "default_os")

    Second, arguments specified on the command-line via "--args" are applied. These can override the system default ones, and add new ones. These are whitespace-separated. For example:

    gn --args="enable_doom_melon=false" os=\"beos\"

    Third, toolchain overrides are applied. These are specified in the toolchain_args section of a toolchain definition. The use-case for this is that a toolchain may be building code for a different platform, and that it may want to always specify Posix, for example. See "gn help toolchain_args" for more.

    It is an error to specify an override for a build argument that never appears in a "declare_args" call.

    How build arguments are used

    If you want to use an argument, you use declare_args() and specify default values. These default values will apply if none of the steps listed in the "How build arguments are set" section above apply to the given argument, but the defaults will not override any of these.

    Often, the root build config file will declare global arguments that will be passed to all buildfiles. Individual build files can also specify arguments that apply only to those files. It is also useful to specify build args in an "import"-ed file if you want such arguments to apply to multiple buildfiles.

    .gn file

    When gn starts, it will search the current directory and parent directories for a file called ".gn". This indicates the source root. You can override this detection by using the --root command-line argument

    The .gn file in the source root will be executed. The syntax is the same as a buildfile, but with very limited build setup-specific meaning.

    If you specify --root, by default GN will look for the file .gn in that directory. If you want to specify a different file, you can additionally pass --dotfile:

    gn gen out/Debug --root=/home/build --dotfile=/home/


    buildconfig [required] Label of the build config file. This file will be used to setup the build file execution environment for each toolchain.

    root [optional] Label of the root build target. The GN build will start by loading the build file containing this target name. This defaults to "//:" which will cause the file // to be loaded.

    secondary_source [optional] Label of an alternate directory tree to find input files. When searching for a file (or the build config file discussed above), the file fill first be looked for in the source root. If it's not found, the secondary source root will be checked (which would contain a parallel directory hierarchy).

    This behavior is intended to be used when files can't be checked in to certain source directories for whatever reason.

    The secondary source root must be inside the main source tree.


    buildconfig = "//build/config/"

    root = "//:root"

    secondary_source = "//build/config/temporary_buildfiles/"

    input_conversion: Specifies how to transform input to a variable.

    input_conversion is an argument to read_file and exec_script that specifies how the result of the read operation should be converted into a variable.

    "" (the default) Discard the result and return None.

    "list lines" Return the file contents as a list, with a string for each line. The newlines will not be present in the result. The last line may or may not end in a newline.

    After splitting, each individual line will be trimmed of whitespace on both ends.

    "scope" Execute the block as GN code and return a scope with the resulting values in it. If the input was: a = [ "", "" ] b = 26 and you read the result into a variable named "val", then you could access contents the "." operator on "val": sources = val.a some_count = val.b

    "string" Return the file contents into a single string.

    "value" Parse the input as if it was a literal rvalue in a buildfile. Examples of typical program output using this mode: [ "foo", "bar" ] (result will be a list) or "foo bar" (result will be a string) or 5 (result will be an integer)

    Note that if the input is empty, the result will be a null value which will produce an error if assigned to a variable.

    "trim ..." Prefixing any of the other transformations with the word "trim" will result in whitespace being trimmed from the beginning and end of the result before processing.

    Examples: "trim string" or "trim list lines"

    Note that "trim value" is useless because the value parser skips whitespace anyway.


    Patterns are VERY limited regular expressions that are used in several places.

    Patterns must match the entire input string to be counted as a match. In regular expression parlance, there is an implicit "^...$" surrounding your input. If you want to match a substring, you need to use wildcards at the beginning and end.

    There are only two special tokens understood by the pattern matcher. Everything else is a literal.

    * Matches zero or more of any character. It does not depend on the preceding character (in regular expression parlance it is equivalent to ".*").

    \b Matches a path boundary. This will match the beginning or end of a string, or a slash.


    "*asdf*" Matches a string containing "asdf" anywhere.

    "asdf" Matches only the exact string "asdf".

    "*.cc" Matches strings ending in the literal ".cc".

    "\bwin/*" Matches "win/foo" and "foo/win/" but not "iwin/foo".

    How Source Expansion Works

    Source expansion is used for the action_foreach and copy target types to map source file names to output file names or arguments.

    To perform source expansion in the outputs, GN maps every entry in the sources to every entry in the outputs list, producing the cross product of all combinations, expanding placeholders (see below).

    Source expansion in the args works similarly, but performing the placeholder substitution produces a different set of arguments for each invocation of the script.

    If no placeholders are found, the outputs or args list will be treated as a static list of literal file names that do not depend on the sources.

    See "gn help copy" and "gn help action_foreach" for more on how this is applied.


    {{source}} The name of the source file relative to the root build output directory (which is the current directory when running compilers and scripts). This will generally be used for specifying inputs to a script in the "args" variable.

    {{source_file_part}} The file part of the source including the extension. For the source "foo/bar.txt" the source file part will be "bar.txt".

    {{source_name_part}} The filename part of the source file with no directory or extension. This will generally be used for specifying a transformation from a soruce file to a destination file with the same name but different extension. For the source "foo/bar.txt" the source name part will be "bar".


    Non-varying outputs: action("hardcoded_outputs") { sources = [ "input1.idl", "input2.idl" ] outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/output1.dat", "$target_out_dir/output2.dat" ] } The outputs in this case will be the two literal files given.

    Varying outputs: action_foreach("varying_outputs") { sources = [ "input1.idl", "input2.idl" ] outputs = [ "$target_out_dir/{{source_name_part}}.h", "$target_out_dir/{{source_name_part}}.cc" ] } Performing source expansion will result in the following output names: //out/Debug/obj/mydirectory/input1.h //out/Debug/obj/mydirectory/ //out/Debug/obj/mydirectory/input2.h //out/Debug/obj/mydirectory/